AFC Sugar Hill - Spring is the Perfect Time for Beer Gardening

AFC Sugar Hill - Spring is the Perfect Time for Beer Gardening

The race report from Dyno:

Rolled out for the first real XC race of the year which is way too early in the season for breathing that hard.  Had a good start and led the first 2 laps and then blew up on the last lap like a pregnant manatee in the third trimester. Was able to hold on and finish 2nd in the Expert 40+.  But like my daddy always said, “If you’re not first, you’re last!”  Normally the Juggernaut crew heads to the beer garden to polish off the keg.  This year I was a lone Juggernaut due to scheduling issues with the rest of the Force.  This ended up as a dangerous predicament finding myself alone in the beer garden without my brethren.  While most of the other racers were stretching, or cooling down on rollers with a recovery drink, I did my best to put a dent in a keg of Fat Tire.  Woke up a day later, still in second place…but first in the beer garden.  Thus, holding to the Juggernaut mantra of, “Do what you’re good at, and do it a lot.”

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West Coast Dickey Whiskey 50 Nutrition Tips

Lucrative Juggernaut Contract Issued to Junior Rider

Lucrative Juggernaut Contract Issued to Junior Rider