Gorka and Pookie Night Ops

Gorka and Pookie Night Ops

Submitted by Pookie:

The Juggernaut ESF, as a secret society, is shadowy in nature and friends with the night. It was therefore right and just for Gorka and Pookie to represent the Juggernaut at the Cranky Monkey Darkside in the suburbs of DC.

As the sun set, the racers took off from a mass start on road to an open grass run-out that funneled into buffed single track. With a slim field, the race opened up quickly. Gorka, never a friend of technology, modern footware, or properly fitting pants, lacked trust in the longevity of his lights and so followed a fellow racer through the dark for most of the course. As the finish line approached, Gorka, true to his cowardly nature, offered the victory to his companion in recognition of the aid of his lights. And so it was that Gorka did not, in fact, “Olsen” this stranger in adherence to Juggernaut bylaws but instead simply rolled onto his back to expose his awful yellow belly.

Gorka: 2nd in Expert Men’s 45+


In other nocturnal action, where the Juggernaut does some of its greatest magic, Pookie found his place in “Chase 2” tucked behind a veteran rider. Eventually tired of the smell of Tiger Balm musty lederhosen, Pookie moved ahead into the void and raced the second half of the course alone, in a zen-like commune with the spirits of the wood.  Breaking into the open and crossing the finish line to abject silence and not a soul in sight, he wondered if his fellow Juggernaut host had actually made the Rapture or were left behind like him. Moments later, Pookie appeared in the “extended” podium at 5th in Expert Men 44 & Under.

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