The Legend of Jonny One Thumb

The Legend of Jonny One Thumb

See, I just happened to be on the West coast a few years back And I got tired of just roaming around So I started making my way back to my old hometown.

You know, it was the third night I got stranded And it was out on a cold lonely singletrack And as the rain came pouring down, man I was hungry.

But it was just about that time an old mountain bike topped the hill. At the wheel... well, at the wheel sat a big man And I'd have to say he must've weighed two ten As he stuck out a big hand and he said with a grin Jonny One Thumbs the name.

Well, I asked him why he called himself such a name And you know, he turned to me and said 'Why son, don't you know this here thumbs all I need And there ain't a rider No, there ain't a rider on this or any other singletrack for that matter That's seen nothing but the trail of dust from this bike' So I hopped on the bars and he rode me into town And I told my stories and Jonny One Thumb told his And I ate up up all his Babybels as we rolled along.

'Til almost mysteriously it was the sign of a bike shop that rolled into sight Jonny turned to me, said 'I'm sorry son, but I'm afraid this is just as far as you go You see, I kinda gotta be making a turn just up the trail a piece' I'll be damned if he didn't toss me a dime as he threw her in low and said 'Go on in there son, and get yourself a  protein bar on Jonny One Thumb.

So I walked into this shop, well I ordered me up a protein bar Saying ‘Jonny One Thumb’s setting this dude up’…

Well it got so deadly quiet in that place Yeah, it got so deadly quiet in that place, you could've heard a pin drop And as the mechanics face turned kind of pale I said 'What's the matter, did I say something wrong?' I kind of said with a half way grin He said, 'No son, you see it'll kinda happen every now and then.

Let me tell you what happened just ten years ago out there Yeah, it was out there on that cold lonely singletrack There was a whole bunch of kids And they were just coming from school And they were right in the trail when Jonny topped the hill They could've been slaughtered except Jonny turned his wheel And jackknifed, yeah he jackknifed, and he went into a skid And you know, folks around here, well They say he gave up his thumb to save that bunch of kids.

But it's funny you know, cause every now and then Yeah, every now and then when the moon's holding water They say that old Jonny’ll stop and give you a ride 'So here, son,' he said to me, 'you get yourself another protein bar It's on the house, I kind of want you to hang on to that dime Yeah, I kind of want you to hang on to that dime as a souvenir... I want you to keep that dime as a souvenir of Jonny... Jonny One Thumb.

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