Juggernauts Befriend Crazy Old Pimp
Long known for their policy of benevolence, the Juggernaut Elite Squad befriended an old crazy pimp in the streets of Carson City Nevada. We don't judge. Whether you a pimp or a pope, the Juggernaut is your compadre. Transcripts from the encounter:
Jonny One Thumb: Hey pimp, how's pimpin' in these parts?
Pimp: I'm not actually a pimp fellas, I invented mountain biking back in the 70s and now I smoke weed and speak in marathon streams of consciousness.
Dyno: Ha! You can't fool us brother - how much for Princess Leia?"
Pimp: She's not a prostitute guys...
Guapo: Tiene burros sexo?
Pimp: That's messed up bandito. I'm going wander off down this alley which admittedly does make me look even more like a pimp.
And with that the pimp went on his way, richer for knowing the Juggernaut.